Tuesday, July 04, 2006


As long as we're talking about amending the Constitution...

OK, it's about time we made some long overdue changes in our legislature. A great compromise was made by our founding fathers in order to get this country started, and it's high time to revisit that deal.

As you know, in an effort to appease smaller states and get them to unify, Congress was set up with two houses. One based on population, the other based on representation of individual states.

As a result, states like Vermont, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota and Alaska have a combined population of 3.1 million. And between them they have 10 Senators. That is about a third of the population of North Carolina which is not even among the ten most populous states.

So, some lines need to be redrawn. I have given this careful consideration, folks, and humbly offer the following:

Combine Maine, NH, VT, Mass, Ct, RI into one state called "New England".

Combine Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho in a new state called "Wy-U-Aho?".

Combine North Dakota and South Dakota into a county called "Dakota", and then include it with the other counties in Minnesota.

Sell Alaska to Canada, and sell Hawaii to Japan to pay down our national debt. Be sure to keep the mineral rights in Alaska so we can keep drilling for oil, and negotiate to Keep ANWR as a drilling and hunting site. Going to Hawaii is like going to another country anyway, so it won't be that much different. Believe me, with the money we save from this plan, every American could go to Hawaii for a week's celebration.

Combine Maryland and Delaware and, while we're at it, the District of Columbia into a new state called "Maryland".

Combine New York and New Jersey and call it New Jerksey. Since there are plenty of people in those states, there's no real reason to do this other than it would make a great name and would cut down the liberal noise there by two senators. Imagine having to choose between Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer, Frank Lautenberg and Robert Menendez.

Just think. If we did this, we would reduce the number of states by a total of 13 states, and get rid of 26 senators, two-thirds of the Democrats (ain't that interesting, btw). And, best of all, among them could be:

Ted Kennedy
Hillary Clinton
Charles Schumer
Olympia Snowe
Jim Jeffords
Christopher Dodd
Patrick Leahy
John Kerry
Joseph Biden
Frank Lautenberg
Lincoln Chafee

I'm sure there are some problems with this plan. But, for the moment they escape my detection.

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